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Media Relations - 1st Year University Module

In my first year of studying Media and Communications at Birmingham City University, one of my production modules was Media Relations. I was assessed in three parts - firstly the production of an individual portfolio consisting of 5 set pieces of work around current PR, second, a group project based on a chosen client and creative news angle, inviting journalists to attend a media event/press launch and presenting our news story along with a press pack, and thirdly an individual critical reflection on my work in the module and based around discussing the statement “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations". Below I have attached the PDF versions of my individual assessment portfolio and critical reflection (please click on the buttons to view). My individual portfolio consists of a fictional press release and accompanying distribution list, an email pitch to a chosen journalist for that press release, a found news story, accompanying press release and analysis, a specialist media analysis and a chosen journalist analysis - while my critical reflection is a written report discussing both my work and development of my learning through this module and my thoughts on the statement above. My Individual Portfolio was graded a 2:1, while my Critial Reflection was graded a 1st.

Radio Plus

Radio Plus Volunteering

Between June 2014 and March 2015 I volunteered for a local community radio station, Radio Plus in both a PR and producing role. I independently promoted the station as well as represented the station at events and interacted with the public, helped with the running of our part of these events, and helped to source guests and content for broadcasts. I monitored and produced content for a large number of social media pages, both for the station and specialist pages for shows. My PR work for Radio Plus helped contribute to them gaining the required amount of sponsors needed to broadcast, helped them to reach their audience effectively, with me researching their social media interactions and activity, finding out what content is most effective, and also helped the brand awareness grow and reach a more people in a wider audience. The content and information I sourced for shows was methodically presented and clear, making it easy for the presenter to understand and convey the desired image of that content.


A testimonial for my work at Radio Plus, from the Station Manager, can be found on the testimonials page.

To find out more about this or other work, just ask! >>>>
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